The Crushed Olive's Culinary Cooking Series!
The Delicious Flavors of Thailand!

Shrimp Pad Thai
Thai Cucumber Salad
Now that all the heavy holiday eating is over, the flavors of
Thailand will be a wonderful addition to your dinner repertoire.
The dishes are healthy with an interesting mix of flavors!
Sayville Store: Wednesday, January 18th, 7:00-8:30 pm $30pp***
Call 631-256-5777 to register.
Payment must be made at time of registration to secure your spot.
Huntington Store: Now on Thursdays!, January 26th, 7:00-8:30 pm $30pp***
Call 631-423-1500 to register.
Payment must be made at time of registration to secure your spot.
Class is demonstration style and class size is limited to 14 people.
Recipes are given out and samples are enjoyed each night.
***Enjoy a 10% discount on all purchases made during the class!
Cancellation policy: If you need to cancel your reservation and we are able to fill your spot from the waiting list, we will issue you a refund.
Erica Gross has twenty years of experience teaching and studying various specialties of cooking such as healthy lifestyle cuisine, practical and fast meal preparation, historical cooking as well as basic, one-on-one cooking and baking instruction.
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